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Yes, and now I love

Yes, and now I love Gen. LOL No, seriously, I'm very impressed. Especially now that I've actually read all the fics on your site, barring the Remember WENN fics. Everyone is impressively in character, and yet you always seem to make it work. =) She is my bestest friend EVER right now. LOL (Sorry, Krissy. LOL) I remember when I was so nervous about posting my CJ/Doug story and Emma was my first response, she read the story even though she doesn't watch the show, and told me that I was a good person, my story had merit, she liked it a lot, and would continue to tell me this until it sunk into my thick skull that she meant it. <.g> She even helped me so much with the XF/WENN crossover, coming up with a reason for the M&S' to switch places, and admitted that she was totally caught up with Maple and CJ. Again, even though she doesn't watch the show. She's really cool. : ) She's my friend (and next year roommate) Kate's best friend from HS. Kate told me for months that I had to meet Gen because we were the same person. Then Gen and I both went to Kate's for the XF season premiere last year, and totally hit it off. Now we talk more than she and Kate do. LOL Only online, though, as she goes to Southern. So I don't even remember what she looks like, to be honest. But she's a good friend. : )

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