Absolutly no clue if Blogger
Absolutly no clue if Blogger will ever update for me again. <.g> Ah, well. I finally got my computer put back together (all by myself, yay me!) and am online on it. Good thing, 'cause several of my lists have sent me a lot of mail. <.wince> Ooops.
Anyway, I got the Buffy book and Connie Willis' new one, plus a YoYo Ma CD and Cybill Shepard's book last night. Mom and I watched the WW pilot and then my favorite episode, The Stackhouse Fillibuster, which also totally blew her away.
We opted to celebrate mothers day with fathers day, since we're all on edge with Josh's surgery tomorrow. We leave at 5:30 am, he should be in by 6, and then we spend all day waiting. Mom and Josh spend the night, dad and I come home. I get to do the mass e-mail and phone call thing, which should be fun. We pick them up Tuesday morning, and the hell truly begins. LOL But prayers and happy thoughts will most surely be appreciated. My poor little iggy koopa. <.sigh> He has his little wheechair, and a little hospital tray for his bed. Hes so good at getting around with the brace on, I hope it goes half as well with the cast.
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