Ack! Okay, decided to play
Ack! Okay, decided to play Sims after all. I knew it would keep me up too late, but it's fun! LOL So I decided to play with the Lymans tonight, Josh and Donna. In order to get them both promoted to campaign manager, they needed to have two friends. Jen Stibi came over, that was friend number one, thanks to Donna. I had been trying to get Hermione Weasley over, since I knew she and Donna would get along. For people so different, they're remarkably the same. LOL (You won't find Hermione dropping out of college for any guy, but she and Donna both tried to learn everything at school, for example.) But Donna was busy with Jen, so Josh tried to chat her up. Uh-uh, didn't work. LOL They're too much alike, I think. <.g> So anyway, next day Hermione comes over. And I was right, she and Donna did hit it off! Too much. I should have known that Donna wouldn't have an option to move Hermione in if they were just friends. <.g> All I wanted was to get their friendship level high so the Lymans could get promoted! I didn't mean for them to fall in love! So now I'm going to have to have Donna ignore Hermione for awhile, because both women really are happily married. Hermione and Ron have a son, and Josh and Donna are already talking kids. Hopefully they can stay friends after this. <.g>
Anyway, Josh and Donna both got their promotions. As long as they keep their marriage, that's all that counts.
I love this game.
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