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Fun night! Sun came out

Fun night! Sun came out at the end of the day, mom and I watched Die Hard and NBC/NGW's Pearl Harbor special and played Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit. I won. <.giggle> But mom really was close. We were both in our houses for the final question, and she would have won if I hadn't done a very lucky guess for mine. LOL It's a really cool game, and mom and I can't wait to play again.

Mmmm, what else? Mom's letting me sleep in until 10 tomorrow. <.g> Very, very late. I'm totally stalled on my XF/Buffy story. It has no plot. Anyone wanna look it over and help me with it? I miss Jennie oodles - I need to e-mail her and see when she'll be online. LOL Biz is gone, too, at the Media*West Con and then home for her sister's wedding. None of my online buddies are here! I'm kinda tempted to play Sims for a little while, but I don't know. I get a little too wrapped up in it. I'll glance up and see it's 3 am or something. LOL

Oh, Stephanie sent me the rest of S2 of West Wing! So last night I was up until 12:30 watching. So much fun - Josh's comment about Donna in a Catholic school uniform, her comment that if he was in an accident, she wouldn't stop for a red light, his comment about her tough love equipment. They have such an interesting relationship. LOL But I also watched Two Cathedrals and cried at the funeral bits, and all those lovely flashbacks, but I also now want to listen to Dire Straight's Brothers in Arms. So I believe I shall.

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