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Gah. Well, I reviewed for

Gah. Well, I reviewed for many hours. After I got off the phone with Melissa - you know, I really do love her. She's a good friend. But could she POSSIBLY be a little more self-centered? "We" talked for 45 minutes before she asked how I'd been. I got to say about 5 sentences on Josh's surgery before she turned the conversation back on herself. I was on the phone for an hour and all I got to say was, "Uh-huh. Really? Of course! No way. Absolutely. Uh-huh," etc. I mean, I get the fact that I have no life and she kind of does. And I'm interested in the Erich saga, even if I'm not entirely sure it's not at least partially in her mind. (Although the fact that he invited her to a garden party that he hadn't exactly quite scheduled until after he asked her did sound rather promising.) But still.

Anyway. LOL I reviewed a lot. And as ER was starting, Joanne called and asked me questions and stuff. You know what? I answered. I could explain. That bodes well, right? Tell me that bodes well. LOL She said that on the last test, we not only got the grade, but also the projected grade for the semester. I think it's a good thing that I didn't get that test back - I can go in lying to myself about grade possibilities. LOL But while I'm still nervous and confident that I don't really know enough of what I should, I don't think I'll fail. I hope. But Joanne and I both don't understand what she could possibly MC/TF test us, and are baffled that the two essays are the same. But you know what? In 13.5 hours, I'm going to be done with this class, for better or worse!

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