I'm not looking forward to
I'm not looking forward to the review session this evening. It's not so much the actual review as it is the getting there - I had this huge blister on the back of my foot. It has now enlarged to also be under my foot. It hurts to walk, and it's driving me insane! Totally urgh in a huge way.
Kate's coming over tonight for pizza and West Wing. Jen and I have been planning on getting that twisted crust pizza for a while now, and time has pretty much run out. LOL So, we're getting it tonight for Dawson and West Wing, and Kate's going to join us. I really wish Jen would just give in and admit that she likes WW, although we're having a lot of fun fighting about it. <.g>
GH sucks, I think I'm going to rewatch Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail. <.g>
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