Just spent 45 minutes on
Just spent 45 minutes on the phone with my family. See, I get all "I don't want to go home" and then I talk to them. <.g> Mom and I analyzed West Wing and GH, she told me about Josh's new room, etc. Oh! She also told my about my friend Julia's brother Chad. Chad's graduating on Sunday, from here, with a major in computer something. His thesis is on artificial intelligence, and that's also what his master's is going to be on. He's really into the research. So when you have this major and are looking for a summer internship, where's the place you want to go? Yes, that's right, Microsoft. <.g> They're paying to fly him out to Seattle, setting up his housing, etc, and he gets to do a summer internship researching artifical intelligence. Not only that, but he's getting paid twice as much per week as his mom does as an SLP consultant. Can you believe that? How totally awesome for him! He gets to meet Bill Gates and everything!
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