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Mom and I watched Rosie

Mom and I watched Rosie yesterday - I was laughing so hard, I cried. They showed clips from when BSB and n sync were there. NSync played this pictionary game, and they were so hysterical. But best of all was BSB - it was the five of them vs. five of their fans, and all the questions were about the BSB. They lost by some 20 odd points. LOL At one point, the question was about Howie, and they were a little horrified that they didn't know a lot about their lives, and so Nick and Kevin reached over, grabbed his hand, and started slamming it on the buzzer. "You're Howie! This is your question! You have to know the answer!" LOL Then there was a question about Nick's old garage band, and he didn't even have a CLUE. LOL It was just so cute.

Also cute was Brad Whitford on the Daily Show. He always wears these tight jeans - I like it. LOL Anyway, he was so fun, and so slashy. <.g> At one point, after they had been joking about Rob Lowe, he turned to the camera and said, "I love you, Rob." It was cute. <.g> Rob Lowe is also very cute - check out this photo, taken by his sons. LOL They're 5 and 7, and it's so adorable! The little one calls his dad "cuddly." <.g>

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