Okay, she got in at
Okay, she got in at 5:30. LOL No wonder she was still sleeping. <.g>
My mommy posted feedback about my Hermione story! <.g> She's so sweet - it was her first fanfic. LOL She's probably going to be less than thrilled about the direction of the story, but oh, well. <.g>
I got my Bible paper back - a B. <.sigh> I was so sad, I went straight for the ice cream. LOL Best ice cream there is - they take vanilla ice cream and add actual fruit to it and blend it together. The strawberry is just perfection. <.g> Made me feel a little better.
Before I left, I found fun WW fic from a new author. Exhibit A and 20 Hours in Wisconsin are part of a fun series, and the Edibles series is also cool. The latest story in that, Priceless, is a Bad Moon Rising post-ep about the tough love equipment line. LOL
Now I must study SAC for tomorrow. ::whimper:: 22 hours.
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