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The blissful day of doing

The blissful day of doing NOTHING. I could get used to this. <.g> Anyway, the fall schedule for WB will be out Tuesday, but this is the summer one:

8:00 - "7th heaven" (1)
9:00 - "7th heaven" (2)

8:00 - "the wb's night at the movies"

8:00 - "dawson's creek"
9:00 - "felicity"

8:00 - "gilmore girls"
9:00 - "charmed"

8:00 - "sabrina, the teenage witch" (1)
8:30 - "sabrina, the teenage witch" (2)
9:00 - "popstars" (1)
9:30 - "popstars" (2)

(no changes were announced)

<.sigh> No Buffy. Which leads me to believe that the rumors are true - WB canceled Angel, Roswell, and Popular. If WB did cancel Angel, UPN is contractually obligated to pick it up. Movies to air on Tuesday nights include ``The Breakfast Club,'' ``Ferris Bueller's Day Off'' and ``I Know What You Did Last Summer.'' But hey, UPN has a Buffy banner up now. We'll ignore that it's on top of Chains of Love, okay? <.g> But their show sites don't seem to be all that bad. The Voyager one, anyway. Bios of cast and characters, videos and wavs, etc. I've seen a lot worse. LOL

Now I have to scrounge around and find breakfast. I can't believe this is my last Sunday in the dorms. I'm not ready to go home yet!

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