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Witness how much I have

Witness how much I have not studied. <.g> I watched both parts of In the Shadow of Two Gunmen, and then decided to see what other episodes were on there. She fit 11 episodes onto the tape. I watched bits and pieces of several episodes (favorite scenes, really). Then I watched all of The Stackhouse Fillibuster, which is my all time favorite episode of them all. The whole ep is wonderful, and today I noticed at the very end, Donna is also in Josh's office with him, and he's passing over his beer. So they're sharing drinks! <.g> How cute is that? LOL So yeah, I watched about 3 hours of WW, and then watched a Cary Grant/Audrey Hepburn movie called Charade which was just awesome. And now Chad Lowe is on Law and Order: SVU, so I'm watching that. LOL I knew this would happen - I got so happy being done with SAC that I'm not really doing anything for Bible. But I should. So here I go. Right.

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