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I do not want to

I do not want to be awake. I do not want to be awake, Sam I am. Not in the morning and certainly not before eight.

So it doesn't rhyme. Or make sense, really. TOUGH. I'm exhausted. I want to be asleep. I don't even have to be awake! Today is Josh's IEP meeting, at 8. Mom and Dad were going to go, obviously. So I woke up at 6 freaking 40 in the morning to get ready to babysit. I get out of the shower at 7:20, and they're all, "Oh, hey, guess you didn't have to be up anyway." Josh is feeling off, so dad stayed home. I guess it's fun to watch both ERs (and the end of Lois and Clark) but it would be SO much more fun to sleep!

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