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So Jan called mom today.

So Jan called mom today. Jan, some of you my remember, is the mother of Jon and Dave, my childhood friends. I've had a rather big crush on Jon for years, and last year, it seemed like something might actually happen with us, but then he met Helen. Which obviously drove me nuts. LOL So anyway, Jan calls today. She and mom have been friends since HS, they like to talk at least every few months. Jan was talking about Helen today, how she and Jon seem to be getting pretty serious, but she's still not sure Jon won't break her heart. So as nice as Helen is, she doesn't want to get really attached to her. Then she (and later mom) emphasized that Helen was such a nice girl, and I'd really like her, because she's so much like me. I'm like, great! So not only did he decide to not date me, he decided to not date me so he could date someone just like me! LOL My luck.

Oooh, yummy Aly Hannigan photos!!! She's on the cover of Out magazine - I love the second caption - "After one take," remembers Hannigan of her steamy kiss with Amber Benson, "Joss did say 'Can we have one that's less like you're going to sleep together in about five minutes?' " LOL!

According to a site Krissy sent me, Allison Janney, Richard Schiff, John W(? - Leo LOL) and my Brad are not going to work until they get a raise. Yeesh! Like the set isn't having enough problems with Aaron's drug arrest? But if they really are only getting $30 and $40,000 per ep, then I do support them. They deserve so much more than that. Way more than Friends or ER people do. I mean, those are pathetic sums. I'd feel better supporting them if I knew that they didn't really wait until the first day of work (ie Monday) to let TPTB know they wanted raises. LOL

Why can't I remember what John's last name is???? ACK! LOL I know it's at the end of the alphabet, because he's right by Brad Whitford in the credits, but I feel bad now. LOL

Emmy Noms tomorrow!!! Good luck to Buffy and WW!!!

Yeah, more Never the Twain! I should go read before mom kicks me off. LOL

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