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God help me. Krissy finally

God help me. Krissy finally got me over to AudioGalaxy. This place will be the death of my computer! I've downloaded 10 songs, and done ONE article. But at least I have good music to listen to now.

Bette Davis Eyes - Bonnie Tyler
Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
Amazing Grace - Nsync
Celebration - Nsync (Joey sings lead, and I decided he's the best singer, next to Lance who also has a few solos here)
Just Like Romeo and Juliet - The Reflections
Unchained Melody (live) - Elvis
Every Breath You Take - Anthony Stewart Head
Time - Tori Amos
Toucha Toucha Touch Me - Amber Benson
Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper

Yes, I have very very diverse tastes...

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