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Teddy bears do wonders -

Teddy bears do wonders - I feel a little better now. I really felt really bad for awhile. I wish there was an easy solution. Or a solution. But there doesn't seem to be one.

Turns out I was wrong last year, when I thought living in an apartment was an answer for me. I could retreat to my room, but know I had people that I could be with when I needed. Well, I needed to be with people today, and I couldn't manage to get out of my room. They were laughing, talking, having fun, and I didn't think I could do any of those. Maybe it is time to talk to a counselor or someone, like Bobbi suggested. I was not having very good thoughts for awhile, and that makes me unhappy. I was clutching Trevor very tightly so that I didn't do anything I'd regret, and I *didn't. So, yay. But not feeling very yay right now. Why do I let other people's problems get me so down? Okay, yes, this problem is my fault, but while it's a bad situation, I shouldn't feel like this. No one should.

And getting my stats grade didn't help. I only got a B. <.sigh> Fuck.

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