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I can't believe it's already

I can't believe it's already time to think about where I'm living next year! I'm not ready. <.g> I do have a few options, however.

1. Become an RA in the dorms. This has positives and negatives. For one thing, room and board is totally covered, plus I get a monthly stipend. So, no need for a job, I'd be paid for staying in my room. Something I do anyway. <.g> But, the downside is that I'd be alone. I'd have the room to myself, and I don't know how good a job I'd do at socializing outside of what I needed to do. And when I get to feeling very sad, which happens more than I'd like, I need to have friends around. So that's a big something to consider.

2. Live with Kate and Meghan. I would LOVE to live with Kate again. We're awesome together. We're talking about going to grad school together. Problem? Meghan is her best friend, and I don't like her so much. I mean, she's a nice person. Quite a lot of fun, really. But she's a special ed major and all I can think when I listen to her talk is that I would not want Josh or any of my kids in her classroom. Special Ed is obviously something I feel strongly about, and I tend to look at what people think about that and inclusion and pretty much form an opinion on their personalities from it. I suppose that's judging them, and probably not always fair, but I can't help it. Besides which, Meghan totally intimidates me, and I'm almost terrified to speak in her presense. <.g> But I'd love to live with Kate again, and there's always the chance that I'll get a backbone sometime over the next year and things will be fine.

Any thoughts? Other things I should consider? I'd love to hear from you.

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