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I just had the coolest

I just had the coolest conversation with MA. I so adore her. We're so much alike, even if she is twice my age. She told me how she and her husband met - they both worked at a department store. He would followed her around, asking if she wanted to buy a duck. LOL He didn't realize that she was too young to have seen Groucho Marx. <.g> Anyway, it was a cute and sweet story, and the moral of it was to work in an electronics store, or next to the electronics department, and find a future engineer to marry. LOL

ARGH! Meghan has totally backed out as our roommate, and so has Aarti. Which leaves me and kate alone. We could look for a two bedroom, which could be fun, but not as much as staying here. So I e-mailed Damien and she e-mailed Dustin and we offered them the third floor rooms. LOL We'll see how that goes, I guess. But we need to know fast, and we don't know anyone else to ask, and it just sucks that it got this late before people backed out on us.

Meanwhile, I'm about 4.5 pages done with my 5 page paper. So yay!

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