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I wanna be like the

I wanna be like the cool kids and do a Friday Five. <.giggle>

1. What's your favorite time of day? Dusk. I love the blue tint everything has.
2. What's your least favorite time of day? Mornings. Maybe I should start drinking coffee. <.g> I'm not really cognizant of what I'm doing. Which is bad, that's when I read/respond to most of my mail!
3. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night owl! LOL I can stay up all night, but even if I go to bed early, I can't wake up in the mornings.
4. If you had an entire worry- and obligation-free day, what would you do with it? I would write, write, write! And then write some more. <.g> I'd also watch a movie, since I so rarely have time to do that, play a bit of Sims, and learn some nsync dances with Kate. ; )
5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? My friend Gen is coming!! She's Kate's best friend from HS. From the day I met Kate, she insisted that I had to meet Gen because we were the same person. I met her freshman year for the XF premiere, and we totally clicked. Because we're the same person. <.g> So while I haven't physically seen her in two years, we talk so much online. (Way more than she and Kate do. LOL) So I'm really looking forward to this!! Tonight we're going to go on a haunted scavenger hunt (not so much fun), tomorrow night we're going to see On the Line, and in between we'll be doing a lot of homework in Kate's room while listening to nsync.

Don't we know how to LIVE, man?

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