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Oh, God. LOL I was

Oh, God. LOL I was in Kate's room looking at JC pics, having sent her to Church of JC. And there we found the JC bending back picture. Kate likes it very, very, very much. <.g> And it is yummy. So I said that I wanted to find yummy Lance pictures like that. She said she didn't think they existed, I said all they had to do was take a picture of what he does on stage, as he bends over quite nicely then. Kate agreed, but cautioned that Lance doesn't have the tummy of JC. I told her that that wasn't the way I like to see Lance bent over, and she couldn't stop laughing for a full two minutes. LOL I think I shocked her. <.g>

Meanwhile, she's working on the sequel to her nsync story. I get to be Lance's date for the Christmas party!! We went to high school together, long time friends, and he flew me in. Very exciting.

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