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Whooo!!!!! I got at least

Whooo!!!!! I got at least a B on the stats exam!! I counted up all the points I knew I got right, and it turned out to be an 80%, plus I purposefully lowballed myself on several. I am SO excited!!

Kate is driving me INSANE! LOL She's getting SO anxious about not hearing from Uncle Marty. And somehow, we're also going shopping tomorrow, "just in case." <.g> Well, we can return things if we don't wear them, I guess. But how did new outfits get into this?! Kate swore that she wouldn't buy anything special. I realize it's hard not knowing what's going on, especially since I am the Queen of Routines. I hate change, and I'm so not spontaneous. But there's nothing we can do!! It either happens, or it doesn't. And of course, she's still planning for Wednesday. I'm a bit leery of fake IDs, or borrowing IDs, but I guess it would be worth the risk. I just have to FIND an ID. Grrrr. I don't know, she just keeps harping on it, and it's losing fun for me.

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