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Does anyone else have a

Does anyone else have a bizarrely structured morning routine? <.g> I just noticed this today. I wake up facing the wall, flip over to hit the snooze and stay facing that side for ten minutes. The alarm goes off and I hit snooze again, flipping back towards the wall for ten more minutes. The alarm goes off again, I turn it off, I turn on the TV and if it's a weekday, doze to Lois and Clark/Avonlea and if it's a weekend, turn on TCM and wake up. Today I'm watching a Greta Garbo movie, and Sweet Charity is on next. <.giggle>

Okay, must take a shower and start working at a decent hour today. I have various things to write, plus Kate and I are going to check out a two bedroom place at around 3. It's not ideal, but the roommate search isn't going extremely well and it sounds like a really nice place. The bedroom are both fairly big, and there's even a washer and dryer in there - I might actually get laundry done on a regular basis. LOL So we'll see how that goes.

Gosh, I just realized - this is a Book Club weekend on Scullyfic, and no one is talking about it! Poor Kris. I'm sure she had some great questions planned. But I just didn't like the movie Where the Heart Is, and I didn't want to even attempt the book. Man, I hope people don't blow off Bellwhether on my weekend!!

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