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Even knowing that things were

Even knowing that things were cut, it was a fabulous episode. I'm rewinding to watch again. LOL Xander and Anya are still my favorite - I loved his Cary Grant vibe. <.giggle> Spike was amazing, the kiss was great, and it adds SO much to Tara's song to see her singing it. And the end, that was way more suggestive than even the lyrics. I LOVED it! LOL Made me smile so big. The whole episode did, really. Did make me sad that one of my favorite lines got cut, though...Xander asking if this meant he had to go be the queen, and the demon saying it was tempting but no. That totally should have stayed in. But I'm glad Tara's "I'm cured! I want the boys!" got to stay in, because that made me laugh so hard, as did Xander and Anya trying to complain to Giles about their song. <.giggle> Thank God for Jennie!!!

Off to watch again now. <.giggle>

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