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Oh, forgot the other way

Oh, forgot the other way cool thing that mom and I talked about. Josh's annual audiology appointment is November 20, while I'm home. He's gone to see the same ones for many years now. And mom's going to ask Maureen if I can be in the booth with her while she gives the test! In my audiology class this sem, I learned how to give all the tests, plus read the results and graphs. Now I'll be able to put what I learned to work! I'm really excited about that. <.g>

It's so COLD! LOL Sarah and Tony finally left, so I went downstairs for dinner. Wanted something warm, ending up making my mexican munch ole. Going through recipe books while it heated up, I came up with a new ingredient - worchesire sauce. It made it very very yummy. <.g>

Watching ER now, since I was at my test. It's pretty good. I like Corday's mystery, I wish Roger and Peter would just move in together and share Reese, I want Kerry to come back soon - why don't they even mention her when she's away?, and Grace and Carter werre very interesting. Can't wait to see Susan and Carter.

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