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Okay, so I had what

Okay, so I had what one could easily call an unproductive day today. LOL I did get some stats done, though, so yay me. But tomorrow...I need to go to all three classes and write my EPS assignment. Optional is half of my stats homework, which I'll probably do because I love the labs. Shouldn't be a problem.

But wow...my baby boy is going to be THIRTEEN tomorrow!!!! Unbelievable. Damn, I remember when he was born...mom was overdue, and we went for an ultrasound, where we learned that Josh was losing oxygen. So dad drove me to my grandparents, who lived down the block from our house, and went back to mom where she had a c-section. Then, of course, Josh had to stay in the hospital because he had two holes in his heart and was very sick. My grandparents moved into my parents' bedroom, and Erin came over for many nights. We stayed up a lot, reading and coloring and watching old movies. Every morning when I woke up, there was a present from my parents in the bathroom. One was an orange Puffalump that I still have. <.g> There was such a high, high chance that Josh was going to die, that they were trying to shield me from it and giving me happy things to remember during that time. I remember several mornings after that first week, when my grandparents had gone back home and mom was still with Josh 24/7, daddy was doing my hair, which was down past my waist at that time. We giggled SO much because he had no clue what he was doing, and would forget strands in my braid, or forget the top ponytail holder. It was fun...they did a very good job of hiding how sick Josh was from me. I really do only remember the happy things...Orangey-Orange (I was 7, all right?!), the Barbies, Erin, the first time we saw Josh. That was SO funny. My grandparents had been there to see him once before me, and Josh was a very very hairy baby. <.g> But when they took me, the nurses pointed out the WRONG baby. LOL Po was like, "What happened to all the hair?" <.g> Yeah. So we asked again, and they took us down the windows to the NICU where he was, in all his hairy, bluish glory. So yeah. That's what I remember from when my little guy was born. And now he's a few short hours away from being a teenager. Unreal.

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