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Okay, so the test could

Okay, so the test could have gone better. <.g> I knew a lot, but the test didn't quite ask me about what I knew. LOL I think I knew many things, though, and might have gotten a C. Wheee!

Watching the HP Rosie with Aarti...it's so fun! Poor Daniel got pretty scared by Rosie's exuberance, but Emma and Rupert were adorable. At one point, Rosie asked Emma if it was true if she had plyayed jokes on the boys on set. She turned to Rupert, who was next to her, and he leaned far away, crying, "I didn't say anything! I didn't say anything!" LOL!! Cracked me up!!

Okay, must write a page on tracking today, and get started on morphemes for lang dev. Wheee.

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