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So, went to check out

So, went to check out the place. It was REALLY nice. Only problem is that it was way farther than we had thought - three blocks away from the campus. Other than that, though, it was perfect. And yet, back to the drawing board.

Had a lovely conversation with my parents today. Daddy was in a good mood, and we had fun chatting together. Then, Kate and I decided we were hungry, so we headed to the kitchen. I took out my Messipes cookbook (microwave recipes for children), and started going through it. We ended up making baked apples - core and peel the apples, stuff the center with butter and brown sugar, top with cinnamon and microwave for 2.5 minutes. That's it! It was SO yummy. I think I'll make it again this week, only use it to top my waffles. And I was thinking I could make apple pancakes for my family on Thanksgiving. That would be SO fun.

Have I mentioned that I REALLY don't want to study? ARGH! I got nothing done today, I swear. I feel bad. I guess I did too much yesterday. <.giggle>

OOOH! 15 minutes to Band Candy! Maybe I'll bring my stuff into Kate's room and make her watch it while we study. <.g>

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