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Went to bed at midnight

Went to bed at midnight again, which I think is pretty damn good. But nysnc was supposed to be on Clueless this morning at 6:30, which Kate and I were going to work out to, but even though TV Guide channel told us it was on, WB doesn't seem to start their programming until 7. Grrrrrrr!! I mean, I would have taken the extra hour or two of sleep if I had known they wouldn't be on. <.g> Oh, well, I guess. I worked out and that can't be all bad. <.g>

Yeesh, I'm terrified about this test. <.sigh> After Arthur, I'll take a shower and start studying some more, I guess. I really want it to be over at this point. I also really want to do well, but I don't know if that's possible at this point.

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