Wheee! My roommate has a
Wheee! My roommate has a blog now! (And she's currently reading mine. Eeek? <.g>) Everyone say hi to Kate, who is Wandering Aimlessly. Okay, so the blog isn't fully operational yet. Let's not be surprised, I was teaching her how. Everyone knows Krissy ended up doing 75% of mine for me, too. LOL So, when faced with an HTML crisis, I did what do I best - e-mailed Kristine for help. <.blush> Sorry, Lady K! It's just that you, you know, actually know what you're doing, and I tend to work on trial and error, which is hard to do when directing somebody else. <.giggle>
Turned in my paper, think I did super well on my Lang Dev exam, quite sleepy now. LOL I think I'll update my sidebar while ER's on, and head to bed early!
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