Oh, my gosh!! So I
Oh, my gosh!! So I went down to eat breakfast. Poured myself some cereal, sat down to my review sheet, and looked up almost every one of them. Got up to dump my bowl of cereal out before leaving, because I had been too nervous to eat much. It didn't sound like rain anymore, but something was certainly coming down. I opened the door, and just stood there, stunned. It was snowing! These were HUGE snowflakes, too. I mean, HUGE. It was a snowglobe winter wonderland out there!! I was absolutely delighted. So I walked to the exam with a big smile on my face, happily being lambasted by snowflakes. And then when I got there and got the scantron sheet, my name fit in! It never ever ever has before. <.g> So I counted that as a lucky thing. Then I got the exam....it was the review sheet plus 20 more questions. How freaking lovely is that? I love Dr. Gooler.
So, yes, last night's freaking out wasn't quite necessary. LOL But it's done and I think I did well, and that's what counts! Now to copy some nysnc things before finishing my lang dev study guide. : )
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