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Okay, I have 2-3 hours

Okay, I have 2-3 hours to get ready. Really just a short list of things that I need to do...pack and vacuum. And work more on my story. <.g> With other little optional things like put up the scary shelves and see if I can start a grocery list for January. Sarah and Aarti left for the wedding, so I have the whole place to myself once again. Wheeee! <.g>

Okay, but getting ready means that I have to miss part of my movie. <.pout> I'm so used to being able to watch TCM in bed on weekend mornings! I'll miss that. Today is The Blue Dahlia, with Veronica Lake and Alan Ladd, about a war vet trying to prove he didn't kill his wife. It's very good. I have it on a list of videos to rent (along with Smilin' Through, which I started to watch last night before falling asleep), but I can almost never find the movies on TCM at any video store. It's very obnoxious. Someone needs to start a video store with only classic movies from before the 60s.

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