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So I was in A&P

So I was in A&P today, and working on my story. (Hush, all right? I also discovered that because I studied so much this weekend, I knew the muscles he was talking about. I was highly excited <.g>) Anyway, the story was just coming out, and it was cool. I was rereading what I had, though, and realized that it wasn't my usual style. I'm not sure if it's because the character was talking through me, or because it's a sleepy boy talking to himself at 3 am, or if my style is just changing, based on betaing Kate's stories and Ev's, and everyone else's. Just made me think. <.g> I finished the story in class, so I guess I'll just have to pick up a new one and see how that character goes.

Meghan said that the 383 project only took her about 30 minutes, so I'm gonna start that soon, and just get it done today. If I do that, I'll be satisfied. I did some studying and EPS writing during lunch, when Lauren and I split some Chinese food. Yummy yummy! I'm still not sure what else I can say about the role of a teacher inside and outside the classroom, though. If you have opinions on the topic, e-mail me or leave a comment! I'd love to hear what you think.

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