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Yesterday was 60 years since

Yesterday was 60 years since Pearl Harbor. Amazing, really, that so much time has passed. And I have to agree with Biz that it's about freaking TIME people remembered our day of national remberance. All of the special things they're doing this year is what they should have been doing all along. I hope they continue these specials every year...it's so important to remember what happened, and thank God for the men who defended our parents and grandparents with their lives.

I'm watching the History Channel, which is reairing their Parade and Live from Pearl Harbor salute from yesterday. It's really fantastic. I can't imagine what it would like to be there, especially yesterday, but I would love to. Oh, this guy who was a sergeant during the attack is almost in tears while he's talking. It's almost enough to make me cry! Almost this entire show is, with the fly overs and now the soliders and their wives dropping flowers down into the wishing well on the Arizona Memorial, for the dead. Wow.

Well, yesterday was the 60th anniversary of the attack, and today is therefore the anniversary of FDR's a date which will live in infamy speech. I have that one on my MP3 player, and it came up several times yesterday. Now he was a gifted speaker.

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