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I finally am back

<.whimper> I finally am back and able to watch TCM's Silent Sundays. I love silent movies. They're usually only about 90 minutes, so I figured I'd have no probem staying up to watch tonight. Then I watched the intro. The movie is a classic Erich von Stroheim called Greed, from 1924. His original cut was 9.5 hours. The studio of course asked him to cut it down, which he did, to 4 hours. Then they took editing away from him and brought it down to 2.5, which was pretty much a travesty and destroyed his vision. The other 7 hours of footage have sadly been lost since then, but some film historians found his original shooting script and lots of production stills. And recreated the four hour version. How the hell am I going to stay up to 3 am watching this movie?! LOL What lovely timing...I get a chance to watch and they put on one of the longest silent movies ever made! Ah, well. I guess we'll see how much of my story I can get done while I watch. Although....it's kinda hard to just listen to a silent movie. <.g> Ooops. Maybe it'll distract me from my total and complete nervousness about this interview tomorrow morning. <.sigh>

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