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I had a lot of fun this weekend! We had temps in the 60s all weekend, so we had windows open and took walks and stuff. Super fun. Mom and I also rented Save the Last Dance, which we both loved. The play, A Murder Is Announced, was fantastic...I got about 3/4 of the way to solving the mystery, story of my life. LOL I had all the pieces put together, and didn't take that one extra step. <.g>

My dad got me the nysnc hotline phone and Buffy S1 on DVD! So exciting. I installed the nsync game, and was having a great deal of fun with it. You can dress the boys, you can make them dance, and I was spending time doing trivia. I didn't know most of it, but I had fun guessing. Like, Lance's favorite sport is baseball. Yay! So's mine. <.g> And Joey would like to go back to the 50s, Lance to the 20s, and JC to the romance era. I thought that was fun. LOL So far, I've gotten two random calls from them...Justin wants me to dance, and Lance thinks I'm special. Such fun. LOL

Not much really happened...Josh woke me up on Saturday. He crawled up me and flopped down. I figured he was going for my mask to make me wake up, but no. How silly of me. He went straight for the watch. LOL He's just the cutest. On the train home (with David), I started to write a slightly disturbing story. I think it's JC or Lance, but I never say and I'm not going to. So I might turn this one in next. I'll show it to other people and see what they think. If you want to volunteer, let me know. LOL

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