Emode is just as dangerous
Emode is just as dangerous as eBay. This is the Open Book test.
Stop the presses -- you're a Hardcover!
Your score shows how much you value your privacy. Your emotions aren't out there in broad circulation -- you prefer to keep them hidden on the shelf. Clearly, there are many "chapters" of your life kept off-limits, even from close friends. This strategy can keep you from getting hurt by others, but there's a downside, too. With less intimacy, you might feel that your personal relationships are not very satisfying. It can be difficult for some people to open up to others, but perhaps you should choose a couple of chapters that aren't too personal and try sharing them with a close friend. Dust off that old volume and open it up -- you may find that your friend responds in a very positive way.
Somewhat right. Which makes sense since I kept answering everything with "somewhate true" or "somewhat false." LOL
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