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fun stuff

Kate's buddy Amie came over, and we watched about 2.5 hours of MMC with JC and Justin. It was so cute! Justin was the most adorable little twelve year old. He looked nothing like how he does now. <.g> And JC was just so entirely cute. I loved the skits they had together, although it seemed that their characters never liked each other. LOL So cute, really! I kinda want to copy some of those. LOL

I also played Amie's nsync game for gameboy. It was...challenging. LOL And I was yelling at the poor boys a lot. First, they ask you to take them on errands on the way to the hotel. Then, when you get to the hotel, they ask you to quiet down the noisy people and put the nsyncers back to sleep when they wake up. (Okay, so I liked that part, putting them to bed. LOL) Then in the morning, you take them out for more errands, and then to get burgers for breakfast. Which you have to MAKE! LOL Lance was picky. Then you take them to the show, and help them play their goodluck hacky sack game. The hacky sack level took me almost 45 minutes to pass. LOL I was horrible! <.g> But I finally passed all the levels. I was proud. <.g>

Now Jennie and I are watching the Buffy musical together. Wheeee!


Oh yay for re-watching the musical again! :)

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