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I do love my writing

I do love my writing class. LOL We had to go around and say something interesting or a story idea or dialogue snippet from the maps we had done for today. And I was like "ACK!!!" because he has said that he didn't expect us to come up with story ideas from it. So I was nervous and just babbled, but he noticed my pages and had me hold up my sheets as examples of exactly what they should look like. <.g> So I felt better...at least I was half way there. LOL Par for my course. <.g> Also very cool is that before class, half of us had our noses buried in books! Usually I'm the only one reading before classes start. <.giggle>

Dude, Kerry has brown hair. I liked the red.

Kate, Aarti and I just finished watching Model Behavior on Disney...Justin's movie. LOL It was pretty cute. I'd only seen the last half hour before, now I've seen the last hour. <.g>

Awwww, Sandy kissed Kerry! I thought that was going to happen. <.g> I hope it works out for them... Kerry was so happy last week with her.

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