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LOL! I'm watching Xena on

LOL! I'm watching Xena on Oxygen, and there was just another commerical for a talk show. The guy was like, "I wake up and think of Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears. They wake up and breathe and make three million dollars. I'm in the wrong profession." <.g> Then the woman starts singing like them, and it was hysterical because it was so bad and just basically "Oh oh oh oh," but sounded just like Genie in a Bottle. LOL

You know, I love having mornings free, but I have nothing to do! LOL There isn't anything to read yet, or work on. So I'm reading Xena fic....Mel and Janice. I've been reading boyslash almost exclusively for the last month or so, which means it's time for some femslash. <.g> And Mel and Janice are set in the 1940s with archeology, which I love. You know, speaking of 1940s femslash...weren't some of my friends writing Hilaryslash at some point? Biz? Jennie? I seem to remember, oh, Maple, perhaps, being involved? Hell, I'd go for more Susan, too. C'mon, we're the only slash writers in the fandom! We need to write more. And since I'm already working on a story (not WENN, but it's still a story), you guys need to jump in. <.giggle>

LOL My roommate just ran up the stairs, grumbling. I asked if she forgot her keys again, but no, it was her shoes. LOL Only her. <.g>

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