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I can't shake this feeling that I'm forgetting something. I don't know what! I watched all of QaF (I love that Brian is starting to feel something for Justin!), I have an appointment with Kathi Friday at 11, right after class. I did my reading for EdPsych tomorrow, I did my paragraphs for tonight's class, I might have gotten more than half done with the next story I'm going to turn in, and I wrote my check for my tuition to turn in today. I only have two classes today, and I'm prepared for both. I'm prepared for both of tomorrow's classes. So what on earth am I forgetting?! ARGH! Is this what I get for spending my morning curled up in bed watching the pretty boys? I need a job. I need something to do. LOL Why must every other job I look at involve heavy lifting? I am not a heavy lifter. Ugh.

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