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Class was SO MUCH FUN today!!! LOL We talked about Piaget and his theories. More than that, we talked TO Piaget (who died in 1980 ;)) about his theories. LOL My professor came in with crazy white hair and a beret. <.g> It was so funny. Then, he brought in three kids, one at a time. A five year old, a 7 year old, and a 10 year old. They were so cute! The 7 year old boy was so clever...one of the experiments was putting raisins in a glass of ginger ale. The professor asked him what he thought the raisins would do, and the boy clearly had no idea. He looked around, saw the cup with the raisins that the five year old had done, pointed and said, "Exactly what's happening in that cup." LOL! It was so cute. I really love that class.

Meanwhile, it's still raining, and will continue to rain until it snows on Friday. I'm never going to be dry again. LOL

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