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Wow, I've gotten a lot done this morning! I did my EdPsych, did half of my writing stuff. Very exciting.

I found this page last night...it has the CUTEST Lance and Joey pictures. Ignore the text, smile at the pictures. LOL Like, it has the sleeping picture I posted last week, but it turns out the one I posted was cut...this one is SO much cuter, with JC in there. <.giggle> And the one of Joey in the red hat leaning on Lance is my wallpaper for startup/shutdown. LOL I love the tickling one, though. Adorable.

To continue my nsync theme, Kate and Aarti read on TRL yesterday about Lance's special PB&J sandwich. So we tried it. LOL Well, part of it. He says peanut butter, jelly, honey, cinnamon, and sugar, and we didn't have honey. So, like Kate said, it was a half-assed Lance Special. <.g> Actually, it was pretty good. I liked what the cinnamon sugar added, although I'm not sure what I'd feel about honey on it. <.g> Really gotta wonder how he came up with something like that. Although I came up with cinnamon and brown sugar on my popcorn this summer, which is pretty insane in and of itself. <.g> He seems to have a lot of odd recipes, though. Like the barbeque cheeseburgers we saw him make on another show. He put BBQ sauce on the patties before grilling them, which kinda sounds good and kinda sounds...interesting. LOL I don't know. Has anyone ever tried that?

Okay, now I have about 25 minutes to find something to eat before class and read this story for class. Sounds fun. LOL


Oh, E would do that BBQ thing with gardenburgers, I'm sure. It would give it a nice grilly taste, yummmm.

Awwwww! Those pictures are SO cute! Of course, between you and me, it's all about the JoLa, but damn, you can't help but feel all smiley. :)

Oh, it's SO all about the JoLa. LOL! I love them. *g*

And Lady K, if E ever does try it, let me know how it goes. LOL

He puts BBQ sauce on his burgers a lot, I've just never seen him grill them with the sauce :) I will definitely let you know :)
Thank you for being such a sweet friend :)

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