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slash fans, unite!

I LOVE my writing class!!! LOL So very cool. Anyway, there's this girl named Nee who's in it, and she lives in a dorm on the way to my place, so we walk back together. We started talking about our stories...turns out she wrote a bastardized version of Little Red Riding Hood. So I told her about mine, and she thought it was the funniest thing. Then we started talking about fanfic, she asked what fandoms I wrote, and it turns out she likes HP too. And get this...HP slash! LOL I was excited to meet a slash fan offline, what can I say? <.g> We both love Lupin, and get totally squicked by things like Snape/Harry.

We also talked about what books we're reading. I told her about To Say Nothing of the Dog, and she told me that she just found out her favorite author teaches here. So she was excited about that, but also worried because she really dislikes his latest books and is afraid that she's going to go all, "What did you DO?!" to him. LOL So I actually know someone in a class. This is a new thing. <.g> I like it.

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