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sleepy, sleepy

Wow, staying up until 1 am is not a good thing. LOL Mom came on at 11:30, and we were chatting through Oprah until after midnight. She was watching Dr. Phil, who I kept reminding her was the devil and would give anyone a complex. <.g> I didn't sign off until 12:30, though, because I was finishing Nik's new Lambs story on Helen's page. I *really liked it. LOL Then Sports Night was on, and it would be silly not to watch, right? Right. So I watched. LOL It was the one were Natalie refused to accept Jeremy breaking up with her. Amusing, to be sure, but he really doesn't always write women smartly. I think she had the right idea, but came off as an idiot doing it. Of course, Casey and Dan were fixating on the bomb threat through the entire episode, so the men didn't come out very intelligent, either. LOL Oh, and I saw the Chili's commerical again...same one on the beach. I love that Lance gets two solos. <.giggle> I want to see the others, though...like what does four of them talking about Justin's solo career have to do with Chili's? Unless Justin went solo on the baby back ribs song. <.g> Anyway, they're just all so cute.

Okay, I love having these categories to organize my posts, but it's hard because my posts are rarely just about one topic. LOL Like this one falls into tv/movies, nsync, fiction, and family, all at once. <.g> Oh, well, it makes life interesting. LOL

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