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Straightened up my room a

Straightened up my room a bit, and feeling much better. <.g> Garbage is out, floor is cleaned off, bed is made, it's all good. I like having only one class on Fridays....this week, it's like a four day weekend! LOL So what do I have to do this weekend? Let's see....

Read for the week
Review 376 for this last week
Write a story for Tuesday (ACK!!!!! Anyone have ideas? LOL I don't think I can hand in my current one. ;) )
Go with Kate to cancel the money grubbing Jazzercise people
Ask Kate if we can, at that time, stop at the train station to buy me tickets for my play the 25th.
Pay the cable bill
Watch all of Kate's nsync DVDs and stuff. <.g>

I think that's managable! I'll give myself a break until after GH and start reviewing and reading at 3ish. Then I'll take a nice little walk to the mailbox. We can't do the Jazzercise and train station until tomorrow morning, so that leaves three days to write a story and have an nsync day. I'm excited. <.g>

I went on another downloading streak today...oh, that's another thing to add to my list. Install my new rewritable CD drive. <.g> Anyway, yeah...I downloaded John Mellancamp's Beautiful World, which I love. Then I realized it features India.Arie, who I've heard a lot about. So I downloaded some of her songs, and *love them. I really want that CD. I need to clear off a lot of space on my harddrive if I'm going to keep with the downloading thing, though. LOL I already planned to get 700MB of pictures and stories onto CD, which will help. And maybe I can make some CDs of my MP3s and delete a bunch of those off. Even though it's kinda fun having such a mix on my computer. <.g> We'll see, I guess. And I was considering uninstalling all of my Sims programs and reinstalling them to get some more space. Most of the fun for me is setting up homes and stuff, and old games get pretty damn stalled. But I'd miss my SimSlutSelf and SimJoey. <.g> I guess that's another "we'll see." LOL

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