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Ugh. First day of classes

Ugh. First day of classes and I'm already tired and grumpy. LOL Maybe I'll just close my door and read for awhile. It's not really that classes were bad. They weren't. 376 might not be so bad...at least, once he fixes the mic problem that caused feedback after EVERY SENTENCE. A big part of the grade is a term paper, on any topic relating to speech science, and I'm kinda excited about that. I'm pretty confident about my writing skills. So that's okay, once I get past the fact that he bores me greatly. And then my other class was language disorders...I kinda like the teacher. I think she's nice, and seems to know what she's talking about. I hadn't been thrilled with her, but then she was talking about this one kid she tested, and her reaction to the incompetance of many teachers cracked me up, because it's exactly what mine and mom's is....clutch at the wall and groan. LOL The class isn't going to be much new information...I've pretty much picked up a lot of it over the last few years. But in February, one day, we're talking AAC. WHOOO! Happy me. And it's only once a week, so not bad.

So why am I grumpy? Not a fucking clue. UGH. But I am.

This was fun, though...from Brendan. (Who I just realized likes JC. LOL Cool.)

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

Now that's a resolution I can get behind. Anyone want to be seduced? You can be at the top of the list.

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