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what I've done

So, let's see. I've had a rather productive night. <.g> I watched about 3 hours of Queer as Folk (4 episodes at 45 minutes each), wrote my Faulkner paragraph, typed my story and inflicted it on Kate, and I think that's it. LOL But that just leaves calling Kathi, finishing QaF, and doing my list of words during 385 tomorrow. Sounds pretty manageable to me!

I'm really loving QaF. I adore Justin, I want to hug Brian even when he's a prick, I want Michael to get a clue and stop following Brian around, I want Ted to find someone, and I want Mel to stop being such a bitch. <.g> I think Lindsey is sweet, but Mel has almost NO redeeming qualities that I've found so far. I can't wait to see what happens in the next few episodes tomorrow morning. LOL But for now, sleep! Yay!

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