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Whooo, my meeting is done!

Whooo, my meeting is done! And it was SO short...it was seriously 3 minutes long. She was really nice, though...all I had to do was sign a contract that my grades wouldn't be so low this semester, and that was it. All I had to do was tell her that it was the cadaver class, and she said she understood completely. Apparerently, I'm not the first person to fail it. LOL Then I headed to the library...it seems like the one job I found might already be filled, but i'll e-mail just in case. The woman didn't speak English well and didn't seem to know anything for sure. I'll also call the other libraries that are hiring and see what's up there.

Speech path 1 is going to be a fun class...Dr. Johnson isn't teaching it, though. : ( That's sad. But I do like the teacher we ended up with...it's all about articulation and phonation and stuff, so I'll even like the class. Whooo! LOL 30 minutes until I leave for my narrative writing class...hope that goes as well. : )

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