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If you were two pages of a funny, sweet, fluffy Valentine's story, where would you be? <.g> I'm getting so stressy, I thought working on my fluffy story would help, but I can't find it! LOL It has to be around somewhere, though.

I'm just a mess today. I'm really tense, which is giving me a bad headache, I'm really sleepy, which is giving me a bad headache, and I'm stressed, which isn't helping the headache. <.g> I've taken lots of Tylenol and tried to relax a little, but nothing is helping. Maybe I'll leave a little early for class today and walk slowly, which would normally help relax me a bit, but it's still pouring out, so that might be counterproductive. LOL I could seriously go to bed now and not wake up until my test tomorrow. Would that I could. <.g>

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