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cast list

I'm feeling productive tonight, I guess. LOL I finished my story (WHHHHHEEEEEE!!!!!! I actually even like it, even though it's onto page five now), and then made a cast list for the blog. LOL I've been wanting to for awhile, and so I just threw one together in the last half hour or so. It's up on the top left sidebar, so if you're ever curious about half the people I reference here, you might find answers there. And if I talk about someone that is leaving you clueless, let me know so I can add them to the list. <.g>

Now time for bed. 'Cause I have a few things to do tomorrow morning, and I want to give myself time to do them. I am completely terrified about getting my exam back in 376 tomorrow...I so wanted to do well, and right now, I don't think I did. But I refuse to drop the damn class...it's a matter of pride. No matter how I did, I will do better next time. That's my promise to myself.


You left me off your cast list! :-( I'm crushed.. LOL

See, I knew I would forget someone! I was in a hurry to go to bed. *g* Check back now. : )

thanks. heehee :-)

its only been 5 years? wow, it seems like so much longer. But then again, my first AQ calendar is sitting here, and it says 97, so yep, that's about right :)

big hugs to you!

Yup! I was 15, and you were 20, the summer before my sophomore year. Isn't that crazy? *g*

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