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class work

Grrrr. I do not want to do this week's linkage for EdPsych. These are nosy questions! I would love to talk about Erikson and Kohlberg's theories of development, but why do I need to talk about my own personal quest for identity and personal dilemmas? That's none of his business! <.sigh> Maybe if I babble enough about the definitions and how they can be applied, he won't notice that I'm not giving him my personal information.

On TRL yesterday, they had Lance's top ten videos, like they did with JC a few months ago. I wasn't paying quite a lot of attention, unfortunately, but I did notice that I liked some of the songs he said...Smells Like Teen Spirit, Alive by POD, a Madonna song, and I thought there was a least one more that I knew, at least. LOL Oh, Britney's Slave 4 U. It was an interesting mix. <.g>

Seriously not wanting to do this damn assignment. I just want today to be OVER. I wanna watch Friends and ER and try to forget about my stupid story.

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